Purple phalaenopsis | iFlowers

Purple phalaenopsis orchid flower
Phalaenopsis in purple color
This is a beautiful purple color phalaenopsis type orchid flower in my home garden.
but every know that phalaenopsis orchid plant need maximum care. because it is a hybrid orchid plant and i haven't seen any new branches of it.

phalaenopsis care

  1. Light :
    1. It need a bright area with receive little sunlight 
    2. if it receive direct light for long time that leafless are going to death
    3. Autumn season is better for plant 
    4. phalaenopsis grow well in the artificial light setup.such as fluorescent lights, high pressure sodium or metal halite.
  2. Temperature 
    1. Its a home plant,its need same proper temperature in day and night.
    2. day time about 25'C to 29'C , Nignt 20'C to 25'C
    3. But needs cool temperature.
  3. water 
    1. This is a main factor for growing 
    2. Once a week just spray some watering ,it is enough for it and always keep its root in dry,
    3. Care about moss ,it will grow and make disturbance for root growing 
  4. Fertilizer 
    1. It is need for growing and flowering.
    2. Every 2 or 3 weeks fertilizer can apply with proper dilation ratio.  
    3. If it is over roots are damaged .
  5. Humidity 
    1. It will need 40 % - 70% humidity  where growing indoor.
    2. if it is in outside humidity ,using humidity tray .
these are the basic things for Phalanopsis orchids plant care.
